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South Africa 1974

Rugby Memorabilia > Programmes > British & Irish Lions > South Africa 1974
15/05/1974 : British Isles v Western Transvaal
15/05/1974 : British Isles v Western Transvaal

Very Good condition programme from this game played at Potchefstroom. Lions won 59-13

Price: Ј139.99

08/06/1974 : British Isles v South Africa (1st Test)
08/06/1974 : British Isles v South Africa (1st Test)

Excellenr condition programme from this game played at Newlands Lions won 12-3

Price: Ј429.99

22/06/1974 : British Isles v South Africa (2nd Test)
22/06/1974 : British Isles v South Africa (2nd Test)

Very Good condition programme from this game played at Pretoia lions won 28-9

Price: Ј139.99

22/06/1974 : British Isles v South Africa (2nd Test) and Ticket
22/06/1974 : British Isles v South Africa (2nd Test) and Ticket

Very Good condition programme from this game played at Pretoia lions won 28-9

Price: Ј159.99

27/06/1974 : British Lions v Quaggas
27/06/1974 : British Lions v Quaggas

Very Good Condition for age. Lions won 20-16. Writing on back and score written in centre

Price: Ј149.99

29/06/1974 : British Lions v Orange Free State
29/06/1974 : British Lions v Orange Free State

Very Good Condition for age, played at Free State Stadium. Lions won 11-9

Price: Ј199.99

06/07/1974 : British Lions v Northern Transvaal
06/07/1974 : British Lions v Northern Transvaal

Very Good condition programme from this game played at Pretoria Lions won 16-12

Price: Ј99.99

13/07/1974 : British Isles v South Africa (3rd Test)
13/07/1974 : British Isles v South Africa (3rd Test)

Good condition programme for age from this game played at Port Elizabeth lions won 26-9

Price: Ј149.00

17/07/1974 : British Lions v Borders
17/07/1974 : British Lions v Borders

Good condition programme from this game played at East London Lions won 26-6

Price: Ј199.99

20/07/1974 : British Lions v Natal
20/07/1974 : British Lions v Natal

Excellent condition programme from this game played at Durban Lions won 34-6

Price: Ј79.99

23/07/1974 : British Lions v Eastern Transvaal
23/07/1974 : British Lions v Eastern Transvaal

Very Good condition programme, from this game played at Springs Lions won 33-10

Price: Ј129.99

27/07/1974 : British Isles v South Africa (4th Test)
27/07/1974 : British Isles v South Africa (4th Test)

Very Good condition programme from this game drawn 13-13

Price: Ј149.00

Rugby Memorabilia | Programmes | British & Irish Lions |  South Africa 1974

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