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1987 - New Zealand & Australia

Rugby Memorabilia > Programmes > Rugby World Cup > 1987 - New Zealand & Australia Page:   <<   <  1  2   View All (21) Page:   <<   <  1  2   View All (21)
01/06/1987 : World Cup Team Sheet New Zealand v Argentina
01/06/1987 : World Cup Team Sheet New Zealand v Argentina

This is the teamsheet provided with the New Zealand v Argentina game played at Wellington and is an original photocopy.

Price: £5.99

02/06/1987 : World Cup Team Sheet France v Zimbabwe
02/06/1987 : World Cup Team Sheet France v Zimbabwe

This is the teamsheet provided with the France/Zimbabwe game and is an original photocopy.

Price: £5.99

03/06/1987 : World Cup Team Sheet Ireland v Tonga
03/06/1987 : World Cup Team Sheet Ireland v Tonga

This is the teamsheet provided with the Ireland v Tonga game played at Brisbane and is an original photocopy.

Ireland won 32-9

Price: £6.99

03/06/1987 : World Cup Team Sheet England v USA
03/06/1987 : World Cup Team Sheet England v USA

This is the teamsheet provided with the England v USA game and is an original photocopy.

England won 34-6.

Price: £5.99

03/06/1987 : World Cup Team Sheet Australia  v Japan
03/06/1987 : World Cup Team Sheet Australia v Japan

This is the teamsheet provided with the Australia v Japan game and is an original photocopy.

Australia won 42-23

Price: £5.99

06/06/1987 : World Cup Team Sheet New Zealand v Scotland
06/06/1987 : World Cup Team Sheet New Zealand v Scotland

This is the teamsheet provided with the New Zealand/Scotland game and is an original photocopy.

New Zealand won 30-3.

Price: £9.99

07/06/1987 : World Cup Team Sheet  Australia v Ireland
07/06/1987 : World Cup Team Sheet Australia v Ireland

This is the teamsheet provided is an original photocopy.

Austrlaia won 33-15

Price: £5.99

08/06/1987 : World Cup Team Sheet  England v Wales
08/06/1987 : World Cup Team Sheet England v Wales

This is the teamsheet provided with the England Wales game and is an original photocopy.

Price: £8.99

13/06/1987 : World Cup Team Sheet  Australia v France
13/06/1987 : World Cup Team Sheet Australia v France

This is the teamsheet provided with the Australia v France semi final and is an original photocopy.

France won 30-24

Price: £8.99

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Rugby Memorabilia | Programmes | Rugby World Cup |  1987 - New Zealand & Australia

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